• Prepare

    Participants of this workshop are encouraged to gather a variety of soil samples for the workshop to diversify your experience. Gather ought 1 heaped tablespoon of each samples and allow to fully dry our before starting the process. You will grind down these samples to use in the printmaking process.

  • Tools


    Pestle and mortar

    Small, shallow dishes x 4 - these dishes must be smaller than the diameter of your filter paper

    4 x jars or beakers

    0.5 precision weighing scales



    Pegs and a line for drying - dry and dark sport for drying

  • Materials

    Raw Silver Nitrate (1gram)

    Sodium hydroxide (also labeled as Caustic Soda)

    A selection of soil and earth samples (dried out if possible)

    Circular Filter papers (these must be lab work filters, not coffee filters etc.

    Water (distilled preferable)