Weaving for Wonder

2 Hour Live ONLINE Session
with Elizabeth Gleave

‘A loom made from a frame that once held a mirror to reflect in, string from the shore, forest or charity shop, old plastic ropes from caves, an opportunity to realign objects to transform their impact and weave new futures. There is so much to say about weaving…the material, our intentions and how we listen and respond to creating.’

In this workshop, you will learn how to make your own loom as well as how to make string from nettles, one of the strongest twines in the world. From the nettles we will have ingredients for dye, soup and tea. More than the practical we will be weaving new perspectives and philosophies on how we engage with materials, how we forage sensitively and how we design the world we are sharing together.


All sessions are recorded and made available for a week following the course.

This also includes times for any feedback questions.


4 Tall Nettles

Old Picture frame

10 - 50 small tack nails


Beautiful dried twig/stick 5- 10 inches +

A pan

1 x White Onion & 1 x Red Onions

Anything string like - recycled cotton, plastic from the beach, charity shop finds, old ribbons, wild grasses, pine…etc. It is good to have a recycled white cotton/hemp/bamboo yarn as a basis.

  • ‘Mind blowing and heart opening workshop … dense with practical and poetic inspiration’


  • 'Full of inspiration and magic.'


  • 'I'm writing to let you know that just over two years ago, I took a soil chromatography class with the Land Art Agency, and now I have an exhibition of chromatograms on display in a museum. I thought you might be interested in knowing that one workshop has inspired so much.'

    Mari Miller

  • 'I have adored this so much! thank you so much for bringing so much INSPIRATION and knowledge to a restful and fulfilling Sunday morning.'


  • ‘Such a wonderful dialogue and exchange. Thank you so much! I think that it is so wonderful how ‘art making’ can be viewed as a practice that fosters well-being and restoration as opposed to some of the more pejorative aspects or outcomes of the art market or art world. This honestly should come through in art and design school ‘training’ as well. So grateful for all that was shared. Very inspiring!’


  • 'Thank you so much. Two hours very well spent with plenty to think about and do.'


  • 'Thank you all for an amazing and inspirational Session! I'm just starting a new project and so this has all been really helpful!'


  • 'Thank you everyone. Really inspiring and nice to feel that connection with others.'


  • 'Thank you all so much! It's been one of the best sessions I've done in ages. x'


  • ‘Thank you for a great session. I have enjoyed it and go away inspired by everyone. Looking forward to the next session.’


  • 'Thank you so much for this talk! It’s 3-5AM here in Saskatchewan but totally worth it!!'
