1:1 personalised support
with Elizabeth Gleave


With the correct guidance it doesn’t need to be overwhelming, you don’t need to sign up to art school, you just need to begin!

Book a free call with Elizabeth to discuss what you are looking for.


  • Part 1

    Clarify and tune in to your vision, listening to where your creative practice would like to take you. With specific methods and exercises designed by Elizabeth together you will discover the root that leads to your goals.

    Whether an up and coming artist or an established professional, we will align you to your full potential.

  • Part 2

    Bring together a paragraph and a sentence guided by creative exercises and explorations to arrive at the core of what it is you wish to express.

    Design the world you wish to create and the door through which you can invite people to join.

    Create a digital mood board for the upcoming session.

  • Part 3

    Apply and clarify work from previous session by constructing website and social media designs.

    Design a landing page to you website, with clear steps for those wishing to engage with your work. Designing a concise and evocative place to land.

    Design your social media plan.

  • Part 4

    Discover a genuine connection to sharing online - learn what and why you are sharing.

    Fill your tool kit with methods to attract 50 genuine followers a week minimum

    Design a community around your work and develop your network. You will have everything you need to take flight!


✓ Website Design & Home page along with the skills to create the supporting pages yourself, empowering you in the long run to upkeep and advance your own website.

✓ Written Expression of your practice, intentions and experience.

✓ 1:1 project support and development of key areas of your practice

✓ A clear understanding of what you share with the world and who your audience are

✓ Social media redesign to align all of your digital media with the style and atmosphere of your work.

✓ Tools to evolve your creative communication and intuition.

✓ Methods to reach wider audiences and develop your commercial and community network.

✓ 20% off a Squarespace subscription for your new website with a 6 month free trial .

The full package, including Elizabeth’s support and project development between meetings is


*Pricing plans and subsidised prices open to discussion

Featured Previews


  • ‘Elizabeth was mesmerising. But the real and most ingenious gift is that the magical spells she weaves are so empowering. Her captivating golden grace sets modern captive parts free and equips them with tools they can step forward with as she includes us within her cloak of dignity.’

    Julia Merryweather

  • ‘Firstly, I just want to say that I can’t thank you enough for all the knowledge, warmth, and generosity that you have brought these past few months. I feel that all the sessions have given me the confidence to share my authentic creative voice and to feel excited about sharing my work with others online something that I’ve been so apprehensive and anxious about for such a long time.’

    Luke Spencer

  • 'FAB - Action based and straight forward- taking away my sense of overwhelm and focusing me better.'

    Marie Camara

Book a free call with Elizabeth to discuss what you are looking for.

I know how it can feel to have so much to share but feel overwhelmed with where to begin, how to share your vision with clarity, visual coherence and engagement. This anxiety and confusion is full of potent potential, is it our creativity in it’s unexpressed form, calling for our attention, focus and development to lead us to opportunities, alignment and connection. Expanding our worlds to connect to more beautiful futures. Blocks are a sign post and when we accept the call to investigate we are gifted with many treasures, insights and opportunities to evolve. Through my own creative endeavours, which have taken me across the world, working with large institutions’s to building my own Creative Community: Land Art Agency & Collective and working with creatives at every stage of their practice I have developed specific exercises and methods to access your creative intuition and hone in to this voice and guidance and how to transform this in to practical design elements, communication outreach and creative opportunities for commercial and community growth and expansion.

Find your confidence, trust in your own creative voice.

The sensitivities of the arts are now called upon to awaken & fortify our communication with the natural world, the seen and the unseen, the micro and the macro, to support our crafting of and emergence into a collaborative & creatively inspired future for our shared existence. Together we can flourish.

Sessions with


‘Born into a family of sailors, scientists, master swordsmen, artists and lawyers, philosophers, textile traders, engineers, digital entrepreneurs, gardeners, rally drivers, deep sea divers, and Gordonston’s survivors, I have experienced tapestries of stories, adventures, mysteries and an intuitive curiosity for the world since birth.

In my own career, this has taken me across the world - North, South, East and West. I have supported artists and organisations at every stage of their offerings to confidently and abundantly share their gifts with the world and lead international workshops to do just that.  I have developed international projects in the creative industry in various capacities, from arts festival director, to production & project managing & digital media marketing & communications; working with associations such as D&AD, Reuters, The Times & The Sunday Times, Photo London, Tate and White Cube and for private clients such as Sam Lee, The Pyramids of Chi and Wild Wise. I have also developed programmes to use the arts as a tool for children with social communication difficulties and run storytelling sessions for children. I have been a visiting Lecturer at universities across the UK, including Slade University, Falmouth University & Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts.

With an MSc in Environment, Society and Politics, UCL, I continue to develop a lifelong dedication to supporting the natural world and founded Land Art Agency & Collective in order to encourage the creative community to be pioneers in transforming humanity to be perceptively engaged in the current climate and biodiversity crises, listening intently to all beings it affects.

I have managed and taught on sustainability projects and education programmes around the world, teaching environmental skills such as: Building with Sustainable Materials, Foraging, Green Life Approaches and how to use the arts as a tool for children with social communication difficulties. With a life long engagement of music (Cello, Violin & Piano), drawing, writing, painting and creating I am able to bring in a sensitive plethora of awareness and fine tuned listening to any project I engage with.’