Lessons in Listening to your Creative Voice

Join Land Art Agency & Collective Co-Founder Elizabeth Gleave to develop confidence and skills for developing and listening to your creative voice - a guide for life.

Explore the universal language of creativity and discover methods and practices to open up channels of communication with your creative self.

Suitable for new, upcoming or developed practices.

“Remember that self-doubt is as self-centered as self-inflation. Your obligation is to reach as deeply as you can and offer your unique and authentic gifts as bravely and beautifully as you're able.”

― Bill Plotkin

with Elizabeth Gleave


  • The Art of Remembering

    We explore methods and practices, conversations and knowledges to support how you access the root of your creative intentions and gifts. Discover perspectives and confidence to see your skills and gifts not only as yours but as the universes - learn to admire and honour them and be grateful for the unique skills you have to listen to, receive and share them.

  • Nourishing the Vessel

    “We do not see the world as it is we see the world as we are.” Srikumar Rao

    Clearing the space so that the gifts you came here to share can flourish. Exploring perspectives that see the imagination as a muscle - one which requires imaginational well being. We look at how to nurture this muscle with all the nutrients required - for everything we create arises from the imagination.

  • Divine Darkness

    What does it require to embrace all our parts and allow them to be heard? On doing so we enable them to coincide with us in peace - receiving the wisdom they would like to share. We will explore this together.

    ‘We can’t see shooting stars during the day…In the darkness are nothing but mothers and lovers ready to take us by the hand and guide us on a new way that is really the old way.’ Clark Strand

  • Activation & Awakening

    ‘Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it.’ Colin Wilson

    We will explore methods and practices that encourage your creative thought to flow and explore your direct access and connection to your creative voice. There will be live exercises - access to pen and paper or whatever you are most comfortable writing with is recommended.

  • Reading Landscapes

    We are here to participate with the Earth using the communal language of creativity.

    We can be the planets solution not the cancer. We are created by the cosmos - so her wisdom and profundity lies with in us - we can use our imaginations, our creative selves to access that knowledge.

    We will be learning to fine tune these skills.

  • Designing your world to create our world

    “The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it.” P. Drucker & A. Lincoln.

    Practical tools, skills and platforms for communicating your vision will be shared. With lessons in evocatively designing your vision for people to be welcomed to enter in to.

Magic Words
An Inuit Poem

In the very earliest time,
When both people and animals lived on earth,
A person could become an animal if he wanted to
And an animal could become a human being.
Sometimes they were people
And sometimes animals
And there was no difference.
All spoke the same language.
That was the time when words were like magic.
The human mind had mysterious powers.
A word spoken by chance
Might have strange consequences.
It would suddenly come alive
And what people wanted to happen could happen
All you had to do was say it.
Nobody could explain this: That’s the way it was.

Workshop Feedback

Camo: A Mind blowing and heart opening workshop … dense with practical and poetic inspiration.

Kathryn Sheridan: Full of inspiration and magic.

Marie Camara: FAB - Action based and straight forward- taking away my sense of overwhelm and focusing me better.

Julie Merryweather: Elizabeth was mesmerising. But the real and most ingenious gift is that the magical spells she weaves are so empowering. Her captivating golden grace sets modern captive parts free and equips them with tools they can step forward with as she includes us within her cloak of dignity.

Elizabeth has supported artists and organisations at every stage of their offerings to confidently and abundantly share their gifts with the world and has created this workshop to share some top tips, guidance and skills so that you can do just that.



‘Born into a family of sailors, scientists, master swordsmen, artists and lawyers, philosophers, textile traders, engineers, digital entrepreneurs, gardeners, rally drivers, deep sea divers, and Gordonston’s survivors, I have experienced tapestries of stories, adventures, mysteries and an intuitive curiosity for the world since birth.

In my own career, this has taken me across the world - North, South, East and West. I have supported artists and organisations at every stage of their offerings to confidently and abundantly share their gifts with the world and lead international workshops to do just that.  I have developed international projects in the creative industry in various capacities, from arts festival director, to production & project managing & digital media marketing & communications; working with associations such as D&AD, Reuters, The Times & The Sunday Times, Photo London, Tate and White Cube and for private clients such as Sam Lee, The Pyramids of Chi and Wild Wise. I have also developed programmes to use the arts as a tool for children with social communication difficulties and run storytelling sessions for children. I have been a visiting Lecturer at universities across the UK, including Slade University, Falmouth University & Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts.

With an MSc in Environment, Society and Politics, UCL, I continue to develop a lifelong dedication to supporting the natural world and founded Land Art Agency & Collective in order to encourage the creative community to be pioneers in transforming humanity to be perceptively engaged in the current climate and biodiversity crises, listening intently to all beings it affects.

I have managed and taught on sustainability projects and education programmes around the world, teaching environmental skills such as: Building with Sustainable Materials, Foraging, Green Life Approaches and how to use the arts as a tool for children with social communication difficulties. With a life long engagement of music (Cello, Violin & Piano), drawing, writing, painting and as an established professional photographer, she is able to bring in a sensitive plethora of awareness and fine tuned listening to any project she engages with.’